Alert OSP to Submit Items in Sponsor Systems

Many sponsors have their own web portals to directly submit proposals, reports, updates, and requests. When the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is required to approve or submit a request in a sponsor’s system (ex: eRA Commons,, the following steps should be followed:

  1. The departmental research administrator prepares the action in the Sponsor’s system and submits the request (ex: proposal, prior approval request, Just-In-Time, etc.) in PERIS™ MyFunding at least 4 business days before the sponsor’s due date/preferred submission date for OSP to review and process internally.
  2. Once OSP has completed its review and informed the department that they can proceed with the requested action, the department research administrator will alert OSP via MyFunding that an action is ready for OSP in a sponsor system. NOTE: OSP often will not get a sponsor system-generated notification, so it is important that the department alert OSP separately.
  3. OSP will perform the requested action in the sponsor system and update the MyFunding record accordingly.

Following the above steps will ensure that actions in sponsor systems are coordinated and processed in a timely manner.


Friday, June 23, 2023