How are outgoing Subawards handled in MyFunding, and where have my subaccount Subawards gone?

Outgoing subaward agreement and amendment requests  continue to be required through Contraxx, and no major changes have been made in the overall Subaward process.  There are 2 minor changes, however, to be aware of with navigating subawards in the PERIS™ solution:

  1. Basic subaward data are added into the PERIS™ MyFunding record by the Office of Sponsored Programs Subaward Officer or Analyst. These data can be viewed under the “Subawards” tab in the MyFunding workspace.


  1. Subawards that are issued under a subaccount will now be issued under the master account, using a new Subaward Number that contains the CNVA or AWD number, along with the project number that was issued for the subaccount allocation.



Pre-PERIS™ Phase 2

Post-PERIS™ Phase 2

Naming Convention

Subaccount I# (Subaccount Project #-number of subaward)

PERIS Master AWD or CNVA# (Subaccount Project #-number of subaward)


9016999 (123456-1)

CNVA00067890 (123456-1)

Please contact your Office of Sponsored Programs Subaward Officer or Contracts Officer for questions related to the subaward process.


Friday, June 7, 2019