Terminating an Outgoing Subaward Agreement Early

Sometimes it is necessary to terminate an outgoing Subaward with another institution in the middle of its performance period for reasons including, but not limited to:

-Pitt relinquishing an award due to a PI transfer

-Subrecipient PI transfer

-Subrecipient performance issues

-Pitt’s prime award has been terminated by the sponsor

Research administrators and faculty are encouraged to contact the Office of Sponsored Programs as soon as possible, preferably in advance of the desired termination date, if a subaward needs to be terminated early.  The Office of Sponsored Programs can help assess the specific situation and determine the best course of action with the subaward. 

Please contact orsubcsa@pitt.edu for subawards issued under grants and non-profit agreements, orfedcon@pitt.edu for subawards issued under Federal contracts, and clincorp@pitt.edu for subawards issued under corporate-funded agreements.


Friday, February 24, 2017