Change in PI


In the event that the PI for a given project is no longer able to continue his/her involvement in the corporate funded project, either due to illness or transition to a new institution, prompt communication with the corporate partner is essential.  In the event that the project will continue under the direction of an alternative PI, a formal amendment to the corporate funded agreement will be needed. 

Procedure to Initiate Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) Review:

  1. PI/PI's department and the sponsor should discuss the need for the change in PI.
  2. In most cases, the corporate partner will provide a draft amendment to address the change in PI (request an editable Word version to permit negotiation of changes).  OSP can draft the amendment if the corporate partner does not have a template amendment or prefers that the University draft the amendment. 
  3. Department should verify annual Conflict of Interest (COI) filing using Faculty/Researcher form for the new PI and completion of relevant ISER/CITI modules for the new PI and any key personnel.
  4. Request award modification via MyFunding . Please refer to the Award Modification Request - Personnel Change quick guide.
  5. OSP will review the mod request and will negotiate any necessary changes to the amendment.
  6. Once the amendment has been finalized, OSP will circulate the finalized amendment to the PI for signature.  In most cases, both the departing PI and new PI will need to sign this amendment. 
  7. OSP will provide PI/PI's department with a copy of the fully executed amendment via PDF to be retained on file for reference purposes.


  1. Proposed amendment provided by corporate partner (as an editable Word document) or request for OSP to draft amendment
  2. Relevant compliance approval letters (IRB, IACUC, CORID, hSCRO, RSO, UPMC Fiscal)

*Subject to sponsor requirements and/or OSP procedure changes.